Let me lay it out plainly for you. Every insight conceivable by humans already exists. There are no further hidden insights unless humans transcend their current state to become something entirely different.

Yet, you continue to search for insights, looking for what isn't there.

This is why even when insights are right in front of you, clear as day, they still don't resonate. Why is that?

Take my last essay, for instance, where I claimed that only 0.1% of the population can grasp the insights I share. And I stand by it. It's a matter of statistics, not opinion.

Did you stop to think about that? Maybe not. Perhaps you assumed you understood what I meant. But do you really?

Over 90% of people might think that this 0.1% represents a special, unreachable group, a notion that provides comfort and security due to a herd mentality.

But those who are truly open to insight, who have been attuned to the wisdom of the universe, realize that simply taking action can propel them into that elite 0.1%. Have you thought about that?

Understanding the power of the normal distribution, you'll see why most won't even make an effort. If you do, you're already deviating from the average, a thought that ought to be thrilling. Yet, often, it isn't, thanks to the normal distribution and statistical norms.

I'm offering you valuable clues here.

How to join that exclusive 0.1%? Just do it. Really, that's all. Taking action gives you a significant advantage over the countless others who don't: at least one standard deviation from the mean, encompassing 68% of the population. How do I know? It's a statistical reality you're already aware of: on average, people don't take action, no matter the incentive. You'd agree that's what the mean of a normal distribution signifies.

Consider losing weight as an example. How many overcome the initial three days? On average? How many last more than three months? Three years? Who maintains it for life? Think about it. Less than 1% persist beyond a year. I'm pretty much confident that over 90% woudn't make it past three months. How? That's statistics.

If you're still unsure, let's consider a few universally recognized adages. At their core, they all convey the same message, though they frame it differently:

- "Just do it."

- "Starting is half the battle."

- "Slow and steady wins the race."

- "Heaven helps those who help themselves."

- "When you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it."

You're likely familiar with most of these sayings. Why? Statistics probably play a role. But if you've thought they convey different ideas, you've been mistaken. They all boil down to one core message: take action and resist succumbing to laziness or inertia.

The more straightforward the insight, the more profound its impact. Yet, statistically, people tend to prefer complexity and ornamentation over simplicity and clarity. This preference is why these insights are presented in so many ways—to reach as wide an audience as possible. It's about statistics, not individual perspective.

Does this make it evident that all major insights available to humanity have already been uncovered and widely quoted? These insights are repackaged in various forms. Sometimes they strike a chord more effectively; other times, not as much. Nonetheless, the core message remains constant. The average human lifespan doesn't allow us to discover deeper insights, which is why these messages are repeated, underscoring the limitations of our existence within this dimension. To access new, profound insights, we need to stretch our collective lifespan beyond the constraints of this dimension. This is why some genuine visionaries talk about leaving the planet. They're not wrong; they're simply far ahead, true pioneers in their thinking.

So, what's the bottom line? Just do it, bro.

But, if I only quoted Nike, you might not listen. Thus, the necessity to bring in Paulo Coelho:

"When you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it." - The Alchemist, Paulo Coelho

Honestly, you should have understood the message the first time you came across "Just do it." If you're still looking for more intricate versions, you're at risk of being just another face in the crowd until you finally get it. Even more worryingly, there's a possibility you may never grasp it, ending up as just another replaceable spot in the universe.

Now, just do it, pal. That's your obvious route to becoming part of the happiest 0.1%.

As a parting gift, here are some additional insights that you may have overlooked. Embrace them fully: 

- "A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step." 

- "Rome wasn't built in a day." 

- "Little by little, one travels far." 

Should you believe these insights to be distinct from those mentioned earlier, you still have much to learn. 

Just do it—your path reveals itself through action.